Example: Introduction to topsbm

Topic modelling with hierarchical stochastic block models

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
import pandas as pd
from topsbm import TopSBM

Setup: Load a corpus

  1. We have a list of documents, each document contains a list of words.
  2. We have a list of document titles (optional)

The example corpus consists of 63 articles from Wikipedia taken from 3 different categories (Experimental Physics, Chemical Physics, and Computational Biology).

We use scikit-learn’s CountVectorizer to turn this text into a feature matrix.

# Load texts and vectorize
with open('corpus.txt', 'r') as f:
    docs = f.readlines()

vec = CountVectorizer(token_pattern=r'\S+')
X = vec.fit_transform(docs)

# X is now a sparse matrix of (docs, words)

# titles corresponding to docs
with open('titles.txt', 'r') as f:
    x = f.readlines()
titles = [h.split()[0] for h in x]
# view the data for document 0
 the nuclear overhauser effect noe is the transfer of nuclear spin polarization from one nuclear spi

Fit the model

Calling TopSBM.fit_transform will: * construct the bipartite graph between documents and words (samples and features) * perform Hierarchical Stochastic Block Model inference over the graph * return an embedding of the samples in the block level with finest granularity

model = TopSBM(random_state=9)
Xt = model.fit_transform(X)

Plotting the graph and block structure

The following plot shows the (hierarchical) community structure in the word-document network as inferred by the stochastic block model:

  • document-nodes are on the left
  • word-nodes are on the right
  • different colors correspond to the different groups

The result is a grouping of nodes into groups on multiple levels in the hierarchy:

  • on the uppermost level, each node belongs to the same group (square in the middle)
  • on the next-lower level, we split the network into two groups: the word-nodes and the document-nodes (blue sqaures to the left and right, respectively). This is a trivial structure due to the bipartite character of the network.
  • only next lower levels constitute a non-trivial structure: We now further divide nodes into smaller groups (document-nodes into document-groups on the left and word-nodes into word-groups on the right)

In the code, the lowest level is known as level 0, with coarser levels 1, 2, …



For each word-group on a given level in the hierarchy, we retrieve the n most common words in each group – these are the topics!

topics = pd.DataFrame(model.groups_[1]['p_w_tw'],
for topic in topics.columns:
the    0.006768
of     0.006661
a      0.006554
in     0.006446
is     0.006446
to     0.006339
and    0.006124
for    0.005372
an     0.005264
as     0.005264
Name: 0, dtype: float64

when       0.008921
where      0.008058
first      0.006619
given      0.006331
if         0.006331
field      0.006043
applied    0.005755
because    0.005755
e          0.005468
energy     0.005468
Name: 1, dtype: float64

computational    0.060606
development      0.055556
proteins         0.045455
open             0.040404
protein          0.040404
software         0.040404
community        0.035354
researchers      0.035354
core             0.025253
identify         0.025253
Name: 2, dtype: float64

point       0.217391
formula     0.188406
must        0.144928
wave        0.115942
spectrum    0.086957
air         0.072464
plane       0.057971
flow        0.043478
q           0.043478
mode        0.028986
Name: 3, dtype: float64

Topic-distribution in each document

Which level-1 topics contribute to each document?

Nuclear_Overhauser_effect Quantum_solvent Rovibrational_coupling Effective_field_theory Chemical_physics Rotational_transition Dynamic_nuclear_polarisation Knight_shift Polarizability Anisotropic_liquid ... Louis_and_Beatrice_Laufer_Center_for_Physical_and_Quantitative_Biology Law_of_Maximum Enzyme_Function_Initiative SnoRNA_prediction_software Sepp_Hochreiter Aureus_Sciences IEEE/ACM_Transactions_on_Computational_Biology_and_Bioinformatics Knotted_protein BioUML De_novo_transcriptome_assembly
0 0.608392 0.856 0.523529 0.804651 0.82 0.648649 0.584192 0.582418 0.493274 0.645161 ... 0.907692 0.851351 0.857143 0.857143 0.846690 0.822222 0.84375 0.773585 0.870647 0.868932
1 0.391608 0.144 0.458824 0.190698 0.16 0.337838 0.412371 0.406593 0.500000 0.354839 ... 0.092308 0.121622 0.095238 0.142857 0.139373 0.133333 0.09375 0.169811 0.084577 0.092233
2 0.000000 0.000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.010989 0.002242 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.027027 0.044218 0.000000 0.013937 0.044444 0.06250 0.047170 0.044776 0.038835
3 0.000000 0.000 0.017647 0.004651 0.02 0.013514 0.003436 0.000000 0.004484 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.003401 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.009434 0.000000 0.000000

4 rows × 63 columns

Extra: Clustering of documents - for free.

The stochastic block models clusters the documents into groups. We do not need to run an additional clustering to obtain this grouping.

For a query article, we can return all articles from the same group

cluster_labels = pd.DataFrame(model.groups_[1]['p_td_d'],
cluster_idx = cluster_labels['Rovibrational_coupling']
cluster_labels[cluster_labels == cluster_idx]
Nuclear_Overhauser_effect                        0
Rovibrational_coupling                           0
Rotational_transition                            0
Dynamic_nuclear_polarisation                     0
Knight_shift                                     0
Polarizability                                   0
Anisotropic_liquid                               0
Rotating_wave_approximation                      0
Molecular_vibration                              0
Fuel_mass_fraction                               0
Electrostatic_deflection_(structural_element)    0
Magic_angle_(EELS)                               0
Reactive_empirical_bond_order                    0
Photofragment-ion_imaging                        0
Molecular_beam                                   0
McConnell_equation                               0
Ziff-Gulari-Barshad_model                        0
Empirical_formula                                0
Newton's_laws_of_motion                          0
Ripple_tank                                      0
Particle-induced_X-ray_emission                  0
Elevator_paradox_(physics)                       0
Wave_tank                                        0
X-ray_crystal_truncation_rod                     0
Faraday_cup_electrometer                         0
Line_source                                      0
X-ray_standing_waves                             0
Point_source                                     0
Fragment_separator                               0
Dynamic_mode_decomposition                       0
Euler's_laws_of_motion                           0
Quantum_oscillations_(experimental_technique)    0
dtype: int64