Maintaining the Package ======================= This document contains information for the software developers and maintainers. Issues can be posted at ``_. Travis CI --------- When a commit is made to any branch of the repository, or a pull request is made, Travis CI pulls in the changes and runs the tests. It will give a green tick if the tests run successfully. Anyone listed in GitHub as a repository owner can administrate Travis too. Building the Documentation -------------------------- You can build the documentation on your own machine by installing sphinx and nbsphinx. Then, in the ``doc/`` directory, run ``make html``. Recompiling the documentation will re-run examples in Jupyter notebooks *only if* all cells' output has been cleared. Otherwise, the documentation will show the output already in the notebook. Note that the ReadTheDocs service currently refuses to re-run the example notebook, as it takes longer than that service allows. ReadTheDocs ----------- ReadTheDocs recompiles the documentation when any commit is made to the ``master`` branch, and publishes it to ``_. ?Anyone listed in GitHub as a repository owner can administrate ReadTheDocs too. Releasing to PyPI ----------------- When you are ready to release a new version of the software, you should first make sure that you are authorised to maintain the `PyPI package `__ (it lists maintainers on that page). Then follow these steps: 1. Make sure the version is correct in the ``__version__`` variable in [``topsbm/``]( For releases, remove suffixes like ``dev0``. Commit that change. 2. Tag the commit with the version number, with a command such as ``git tag v0.2``. 3. Push the tags to github. ``git push --tags`` 4. Make sure setuptools and twine are installed. ``pip install setuptools twine`` 4. Remove any files from previous releases in the ``dist`` directory: ``rm dist/*.tar.gz`` 5. Run ``python sdist`` to create new entries in ``dist/`` 6. Ensure your PyPI credentials are stored in ``~/.pypirc``. 7. Run ``twine upload dist/*.tar.gz``. 8. If you want, create a corresponding `GitHub release `__